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Behaviour and Development

University: Tafe Queensland

  • Unit No: 6
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 17 / Words 4186
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 293
Question :

This sample will let you know about:

  • Discuss about the Support strategy implemented.
  • Discuss about the Positive support techniques.
Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A

Question 1

Student A

Developmental area to be supported:

Example 1-fine motor

Example 2–cognitive


Specific area/skill to be developed:

Example 1-letter formation & pencil grip

Example 2-uses completed sentences when talking with others


Age/Year Level:




Support strategy implemented

Support strategy/ies description / explanation:

In this by teaching and guiding him in drawing and coloring diagrams. Here, another strategy that is used is use of pencil and crayons during drawing.

One more strategy that is used is using puzzle game.

What resources are to be used in the implementation of the strategy?

The resources used are colors, pencil, drawing book, puzzle game, etc.

Describe the outcome of your implemented strategy.

With help of these strategies, he will be able to understand movement of hands, wrist, fingers, etc. during drawing. Also, it will support in improving use of hands appropriately.

What feedback did you give to the teacher?

I said to teacher that there is high improvement in use of hands. He is able to understand words like right, left, up and down.


Student B

Developmental area to be supported:

Example 1-fine motor

Example 2–cognitive


Specific area/skill to be developed:

Example 1-letter formation & pencil grip

Example 2-uses completed sentences when talking with others


Age/Year Level:

Year 1



Support strategy implemented

Support strategy/ies description / explanation:

The strategy used is read books and small poems.

Another strategy that can be used is improving communication.

What resources are to be used in the implementation of the strategy?

The resources used in it are poem books, smart phone, paper, pen, etc.

Describe the outcome of your implemented strategy.

It results will be that she will be able to frame sentences and speak. Thus, it will boost confidence in her. She will understand and then communicate.

What feedback did you give to the teacher?

I said to teacher that she still hesitates in communicating and is not able to form complete sentences. But she is able to read properly and making small sentences of 4-5 words. 

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Question 2

Observational recording


Year Level


State primary ‘Off-Task’ behavior





Classroom activity where the behavior occurred: In role play

Describe any environmental factors which could trigger e.g. prompt the behavior:

Session Time

Period of observation

Inappropriate Behavior

(Actual behavior student displays e.g. interrupting other students, calling out, refusing to complete tasks, off-task behavior)


1 = very rare

2 = occasional

3 = often

4 = frequently


1 = slight

2 = moderate

3 = major

4 = severe


1 = a few minutes

2 = half to one hour

3 = a few hours

Session 1 (10- 12 a.m.)

Refusing to act and crying




Session 2 (1- 3 p.m.)

Disturbing others and shouting







Year Level


State primary ‘Off-Task’ behavior





Classroom activity where the behavior occurred: Playing puzzle game

Describe any environmental factors which could trigger e.g. prompt the behavior:

Session Time

Period of observation

Inappropriate Behavior

(Actual behavior student displays e.g. interrupting other students, calling out, refusing to complete tasks, off-task behavior)


1 = very rare

2 = occasional

3 = often

4 = frequently


1 = slight

2 = moderate

3 = major

4 = severe


1 = a few minutes

2 = half to one hour

3 = a few hours

Session 1 (11- 1 pm.)

Getting frustrated and throwing pieces of puzzles




Session 2 (9-11 am.)

Refusing to take part in game




Positive support techniques


Student A

Student B

Describe two (2) techniques YOU will use to establish expectations of behavior at the start of the session

First strategy I will use is to motivate him


Another strategy is by talking with him

Here, first strategy used is to build self esteem within her so that she can involve with other.


Also, by forming small groups and pairs of his friends.


Describe two (2) support strategies you will use to provide a safe, supportive and equitable learning environment

In this I will provide them chocolates and gifts to behave properly.


By conducting games of hide and seek.

First is playing with her and his known friends so that she get comfortable.


Second is conducting such activities where student connect and communicate with each other individually.

List the non-verbal actions that YOU used to acknowledge responsible behavior

By smiling in front of him.

By talking in very careful manner.

By developing positive humor of laughing

By always laughing while playing with her.

By using low tone and pitch while talking

By giving smiling facial expressions

How did YOU re-direct inappropriate behavior or defuse conflict situations for Student A?

I talked with him and tries to understand that what he wants. Then, I fulfilled his needs and resolved conflict.

In this I started playing with her and gave chocolate. In this way I engaged her and defuse conflict.

Describe the outcome of your implemented strategies?

The results attained were that it changed his behavior to some extent. he started playing with others and did not disturbed anyone.

here, outcome attained was that she felt comfortable by playing with her friends. She took part in many activities.

Question 3

Student Overview

Identified disability:

Hearing Impairment

Age/Year Level:





Your responses


Identify potential impacts/barriers of the disability on student’s learning

She was not able to understand what other are saying. Thus, she responded late to socialize with other children. so, it led to impact on her academic learning.


List two (2) professional networks you would consult to further understand student’s needs?

I will consult with her teacher and understand that what are her needs. Through that, I will get to know her behavior.


Another is I will take help of expert or my other teacher to determine her needs. It will provide me insight of needs of similar students who is suffering from same disability


State specific curriculum goals (learning outcomes) for this student.

Refer student’s educational plan

The goal is to provide academic development and learn basic and standard things.


List resources, including current assistive technology used in supporting this student.

The resources used are pictures, images, virtual video games, etc. will support her in learning.


Describe what reasonable adjustments to curriculum are in place to assist in the inclusion of the student.

In curriculum the activities or games such as reading, role play, use of technology, etc.


Your responses


Describe what opportunities are regularly provided to extend the student’s skills.

The student is allowed to use technology to teach them learnings.


She is allowed to use signs and symbols to communicate with others in classroom activities.


What steps are taken to ensure that disability equipment, used by the student ,is maintained in accordance with workplace health and safety regulation?

For this a specific locker will be provided where equipment is kept. Also, they will be cleaned and checked regularly.


What data has the teacher asked you to gather and record during the session?

The teacher asked me to gather data of session timing, number of student participated, goals attained by student, etc.


How will outcomes be monitored and recorded? What method should be used? Example - work samples, and/or day book.

The outcomes are recorded by maintaining a log book. In that session, activity and student learnings are recorded for each day.


Record of support session

Date of support session:

Feb. 06,2020

Time/length of support session:

30 minutes

Activity description: What task was the student required to participate in?

They participated in learning through presentation and use of visuals along with captions.

Observations and data reported to teacher:


Student progress in regard to goals (learning outcomes):

The student is able to understand and learn visual with captions.


Any difficulties as encountered:

The difficulty is they have understood visual caption but not at high level. They have gained some learning.


State what strategies and modifications were made during the activity This can include planned modifications and any other that were needed.

Here, along with caption images and signs were also in used in activity to make their understanding easier. Moreover, another modification done was use of picture and art.


Write a summary of what you observed of the student’s progress and behavior during the session

it is summarized that student made huge efforts to try and understand caption and visuals. At first, they were nervous but then after observing other behavior and teacher support, they started showing interest in activity. Moreover, during activity they asked question as well which reflected positive behavior. This was carried out in entire activity.

Teacher feedback:


Outline the feedback given to you by the teacher during your discussions.

This could include comment on: your performance, any adjustments to be made to the support of the student as a result of your observations and data – such as strategies and resources

the teacher gave feedback that my performance was average as I gave presentation for first time. So initially I was not able to understand the behavior of children. However, teacher said that I changed my way of teaching, I applied strategy of using hand signs. It was easy for me to teach them.

 Question 4

PART 1 Complete the student profile with known information given by the teacher only. Note: This may be a student whom you have already observed.

IMPORTANT: Arrange with your Workplace Supervisor regarding which student

Student Profile

John Smith



Family Characteristics ( birth order, family structure)

Birth order – first

Family structure- father and mother

Education background ( year level, continuity of schooling, strengths, areas needing support)

Year level 1, currently studying in pre school and the areas of support is cognitive skill development.

Identified Issues:

  • Health
  • Social and emotional wellbeing
  • Developmental concerns

The issue is emotional well being that is child is suffering from depression.

Current behavior support

Here, behavior support given is to encourage child to engage with others and communicate. Also, to understand child needs and share his views and opinions.


PART 2: Data Collection: Select two (2) observation tools. Note: Previously recorded observations may be used in this assessment.

  1. Complete two (2) types of observation tools (e.g. checklist, anecdotal, event sample. ABC)
  2. NOTE: See template options at the end of this document or those used by your school
  3. Conduct your observations in different contexts/ situations and at different times.You may repeat each observation three (3) times if required.
  4. Write a summary of the data collected from each observation tool in the summary boxes below
  5. DO NOT submit your observations, due to confidently and privacy laws

Write a summary of observation 1:

It is summarized that in log book it was identified that behavior of child was

Write a summary of observation 2:

PART 3: Recording data: From your observations, complete the table below

IMPORTANT: Arrange with your Workplace Supervisor which behaviors you are working on with this student


PART 3: Recording data: From your observations, complete the table below

IMPORTANT: Arrange with your Workplace Supervisor which behaviors you are working on with this student

List three (3) inappropriate behaviors observed

List any identified needs or triggers

Describe the specific appropriate behaviors required

Calling out when in classroom

Attention seeking

Hand raised and waiting quietly when working in classroom

Fighting with other during class learning

Attentions seeker

Learning properly and quietly during learning sessions.

Disturbing others and crying

To behave properly

Sitting silently with others

Shouting on others

To respect them

Talking with respect and with low tone.


PART 4: Select one (1) of the specific appropriate behaviors, as listed above.

Describe two (2) strategies that you will implement to encourage the student to display the identified appropriate behavior. Justify your choices.

IMPORTANT: Arrange with your Workplace Supervisor which behaviors you are working on with this student.

Strategy 1:

By forming rules and clearing explaining to children so that they follow it.


This will allow them to behave properly with others and do not fight during learning

Strategy 2:

By giving chocolate to those who do not fight and disturb others.


It will allow them to sit quietly during learning sessions.


PART 5: Implement Strategy 1 and 2, and monitor their effectiveness. Ensure you use the strategies consistently and over time. Progressively monitor the impact of the strategies. Then answer the questions below:

a) Were the strategies successful and why/ why not?

The strategies applied were successful as it allowed student to follow rule and behave properly. They did not fight with others during sessions. Alongside, the forming of rule created a sense of fear among them. Moreover, by giving chocolate enabled them not to disturb or fight with others. They highly got attracted towards eating chocolate. Furthermore, they started sitting quietly in classroom. Hence, there was change in their behavior. So, the strategy applied was successful. Want to get Assignment Samples?Talk to our Experts!


b) How did your strategies support the student to identify their own behavior?

It can be analyzed that the strategy applied enabled student to identify their own behavior. They identified that following of rules resulted in making them discipline. They talked with others with respect and did not fight. In addition to it, by taking chocolate they identified that good behavior leads to benefit and gifts.


c) What other strategies or choices would you implement in the future and why?

In future there are several strategies that can be implemented. First is conducting games where children are allowed to interact with one another in classroom. Through that, it will allow them to work and communicate individually. Furthermore, they will improve behavior.

Another strategy that can be applied is providing them breaks and teaching them behavior lessons. With that it will be easy for them to identify how to behave with others. Furthermore, by playing or engaging with them in various activities will be useful in improving their behavior. So, the strategy will emphasis on social and cognitive development of children.

Providing them their favorite food or snacks on basis of their behavior. It will result in changing their behavior. However, children will behave moderately with others.


d) How did you collaborate with your school team? What support networks are available?

I collaborated with school team by engaging with them to develop plan. In that teachers and professors were included in making plan. Moreover, I suggested some ideas and strategies that how student behavior can be improved. Furthermore, I communicated with parents as well for getting support from them. It allowed me to identify student needs and implement my strategies. However, I interacted with teacher and team to decide that what they have to do. The support network that is available is family, friends, colleagues, etc. they will provide info about how in future strategies can be applied.


e) What other impacts on behavior and learning did you observe that you believe to be a direct result of the strategies implemented? e.g. student’s learning improved by.., peer behavior changes by…

There are many things that I observed in strategies. Here, I realized that children behavior is impacted by others students as well. this is because children learn what they see. Similarly, their behavior is affected when they observe how other are behaving. Besides that, teacher behavior also affect on student learning in direct way. The teacher enhances their behavior by engaging and playing games. They show way of how to behave with others. Likewise, student inherit teacher behavior. Thus, it impacts on it in positive way and result in bringing changes.


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